See the UNC Symphony Orchestra’s Spring Concert
Time for a romantic reconnection? Nothing speaks the language of love quite like music and UNC’s ensembles are some of the best in the region. Attend the Spring Concert of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s Symphony Orchestra in Memorial Hall for a romantic evening before grabbing a late-night bite and returning to the comfortable privacy of your Inn at Governor’s Club room.
The Spring 2018 concert in Memorial Hall includes Steve Reich Duet, Bizet Suite No. 2 fromL’arlesienne, and Dvorak Symphony No. 6. Led by Conductor Tonu Kalam, the 90-member UNC Symphony Orchestra has a sterling reputation for quality and collaborations including the UNC Opera and choral ensembles, as well as featured appearances like world-renowned violinist Gil Shaham. The concert will be held on April 18th, 7:30PM and tickets cost $10.00 each. Visit the website for more information on the Spring 2018 concert and to purchase tickets.
Other performances and concerts at Memorial Hall include the UNC Opera on April 14 at 8:00PM and the UNC Jazz Band with Sara Caswell on violin on April 28 at 8:00PM. For more information or to purchase tickets view the full events calendar here.
Memorial Hall
114 E. Cameron Avenue
Chapel Hill, NC 27599
(919) 843-3333