Explore Duke Gardens in Spring
With spring and warmer weather finally on its way, you’ll be able to experience all of the Triangle’s amazing outdoor activities, like the Sarah P. Duke Gardens. Consisting of 55 landscaped acres at Duke University, the gardens also contain five miles of walkways and pathways for a relaxing midday stroll through the four unique sections: Blomquist Garden of Native Plants, Culberson Asiatic Arboretum, Historic Core and Terraces, and the Doris Duke Center Garden.
The best way to visit the garden is on a walking tour, led by a knowledgeable docent on foot. This gives you a chance to explore all areas of Duke Gardens at a leisurely pace and also provides time to stop and smell the roses and learn the history of the gardens. Walking tours are offered Tuesday-Friday at 10AM and 2PM. Tickets are $10. Another option is a trolley tour. Trolley tours take you along the central path in the Gardens. You may miss some of the more secluded areas of the gardens but you’re guaranteed to catch sight of what’s in bloom. For more information on tour options at Duke Gardens, click here.
After your tour, enjoy your beautiful surroundings at the Terrace Cafe where you can stop by for a delicious lunch. Menu includes salads, sandwiches, coffee, snacks, and Maple View Farm’s ice cream. On March 30th, visit the Gardens for the Spring Plant Sale. At the Spring Plant Sale, you’ll find an array of plants including trees, shrubs, vines, and bulbs, as well as decorative plant pots. Get expert gardening advice from staff members and regional specialists. For more information on the Spring Plant Sale, click here.
Sarah P. Duke Gardens
426 Anderson Street
Box 90341
Durham, NC 27708